My background is entirely too complicated for me to do justice to myself in just a few mere lines. I am a human male. I come from many places on planet Earth. I am endowed with the standard number of appendages, toes, fingers, etc... I live in Montreal. I studied economics. I am not a boring person. I find economics fun and fascinating. I like fire dancing (The art of poi), sword fighting (several styles), writing, pool, guitar, soft boiled eggs, laughing at myself when I slip on a patch of ice, laughing at others when they slip on a patch of ice, spotting americans in foreign countries, snowball fights, that feeling of overwhelming accomplishment when I solve a brain teaser like the rubick's cube, the feeling of tears flowing down my face at the climax of a good movie, winning, receiving headrubs, giving backrubs to a hot chick, making chainmail, badmington, The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock. I think I'm funny. If you have any sense of humor you will find my shit hilarious. I'm a spoiled brat. I dislike needles, insects, unjustified humidity, specific examples of the human race, cleaning, extended solitude, people who do nothing but complain, failing myself, oversleeping.