Sunday, February 20, 2005

Behold, for there is indeed light at the end of a dark tunnel. One that can and will illuminate, once again, all the sordid images flickering from a formerly shrouded conviction. Behold, for within the glory of the light lies the answers to all things, and an overwhelming acceptance of all that is beautiful and pure. Behold for within brightness of the phenomena, joy is to be found; there is life where once there was apathy. There is euphoria as the power of the illumination shines so brightly that even that which was once hidden is now even harder to understand. Behold the glory of innocence. Behold the safety of the knowledge that somewhere a miracle arises. Behold as the miracle itself takes you into her soft arms shielding you from everything which threatened to rip you from the tenuous hold you once had over a turbulent existence. Behold the worry evaporating. Behold the passion of love. Behold the desire, the beauty, the fertility of your surroundings. Behold a feeling of extreme contentment. Behold, and bask in the glory of existence. Behold yourself. Behold… LIFE!

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