Monday, February 07, 2005

The cycle of life is such that one birth leads to a death, which in turn leads yet again into the fruition of something yet to develop. And ultimately as things begin and die, only to resurrect, one is only left with a pair of silver earrings on one’s nightstand. The evening ends, bringing promise of the following day; an emotionally attachment is severed, only to be replaced by the birth of an empty hole which will eventually be filled with something new. Life revolves in cycles. The wheel spins upon itself in much the same manner, but brining one to different places. There is, despite the vastness of the universe and life, a certain order to things which are irrevocably related in the most profound sense. This repetition is common in all things: lessons of life, love, war, peace, economic growth, invention, physics, rise and declines of great civilizations. “What goes up must come down…” However someone also forgot the second part, “… only to rise again.” In some form or another death and rebirth are a perpetual phenomena and pretty much the only stable fact that human existence has ever known even if he hasn’t realized it. And yet people would say that we are making progress despite the untimely turn of events. Indeed, progress we are making, for despite the turnings of the wheel, the wheel itself brings us further along the road. I wonder weather it will eventually turn back upon itself. Is this a suggestion of reincarnation? Is it true that as things go towards the infinity, all things are not only possible, but also bound to happen? The larger the concept becomes, the more intimidated I feel to ponder upon it, and yet I cannot help but question this observation. Inevitably, I suppose it doesn’t really matter, for whatever I acquire in this existence will eventually also fade away into the ultimate ending and rebirth. I will perish eventually, what I leave behind will also some day cease to exist, and those who will come after us and after them will also eventually succumb to the cycle. But like all things there is a future, and no matter how complicated it gets, no matter how difficult and destructive, rebirth will always occur, and a new scenario will exist.

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