Thursday, August 19, 2004

Greetings and salutations. Over the last couple of weeks I haven’t felt inspired to writing anything in particular, and for this reason I feel like I’m neglecting my blog. Hence I’ve decided to write about my life as it stands in the current moment.

The month of August is flying past us, and I’m starting to have to make plans to accommodate the impending school year. I am registered in 4 classes, but will be dropping one of them depending how it goes. I also plan on auditing a course on mathematical economics since I have no background in the subject as of yet, and believe that a bit of exposure would do me some good. I am eager to commence once again. Even more eager perhaps to fall back into the routine. I genuinely love school and the people I study with, many of whom have left for the vacation and haven’t seen in several months.

I also wish to keep my volunteering going if possible. It’s fun, but alas my hours will have to change which is a bit of a bitch cause I have a vested interest right now, to working on Thursdays. We’ll see. In any case it’s fun and downtown which is good.

My dragon boating is also beginning to draw to a close as we had our last practice on Tuesday, and our final competition this upcoming weekend. We will be driving to London Ontario for our last few races. It’s been fun and I will be missing the exercise, and the people.

Aside from that, the weekends have been super busy. This last weekend I was at Domaine, a summer LARP I play. Next weekend I’m in London, after that in St. Louis visiting someone who’s nickname I haven’t decided on yet, after that I’m kayaking, and then another Domaine weekend.

We’ve finally started swimming again in the Sommerled swimming pool. By swimming I mean water wrestling which is an activity that myself and the Minister of the Interior greatly enjoy. From time to time we are joined by others. We are getting to know each other’s styles entirely too well. New blood must be found. Anyone wanna join us?

My apartment is still a mess. I have a new fine young roommate who moved in. It’s fun, and he comes up with interesting ideas about furniture and other things. I look forward to living with him and appointing him a cabinet position just as soon as I come up with something suitable.
That’s aboot it I guess. Cheerio!

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